General Gaming News

Pokemon GO adding shiny Caterpie and evolutions

Pokemon Go

Datamining has revealed that Niantic is adding three new shiny variants to  the popular mobile ARG, Pokemon GO.

Niantic is set to add a new Research Breakthrough event next month in November, and along with that event comes a chance for players to encounter the Bug-type Shedinja. This assumes that players complete the research goals around capturing Bug-types to gain a shot at the encounter. The update will land on November 1st, so get ready to head out and start completing this new set of research challenges.

In addition to the bug-themed Research Breakthrough, Pokemon GO players are also going to have a chance to catch a shiny version of Caterpie for the first time. The evolutions of the Generation 1 Bug-type are also getting shiny variants. So while it won’t give you any kind of combat advantage, the ability to show off rare shiny Pokemon to other trainers offers plenty of appeal to players.

In other news, the game is wrapping up it’s Halloween event involving powerful Ghost-type and Dark-type Pokémon. The next Community Day event featuring Gengar is coming soon too.

Pokemon GO is currently available in select regions on Android and iOS devices.

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