General Gaming News

Player Vending and New PvP Mode Coming to Fallout 76 in 2019

Fallout 76

Bethesda has had some serious issues keeping people from gagging when talking about Fallout 76, but they’re trying to make that much less of a problem in the coming months. 2019 is going to be a lot more exciting for folks enjoying the game, and hopefully according to plans Bethesda currently has, mostly down to some new modes and gameplay features.

We’re also building an incredible list of future updates that we can’t wait to share, including new quests, weekly in-game events, new Vaults opening, a new PvP mode, Player Vending and much more.

With a new post on the Bethesda website, the company has laid out a few teases about what they plan to do for the future of Fallout 76. One of the biggest elements is that there’s a plan in the works to revamp PvP to make it more engaging and less one-sided. Currently PvP is only active when a player shoots at another and that player returns fire, which triggers an instance where two players can battle each other, with the victor claiming the left over loot. This mode has a few major flaws. One being that once a player is killed, they become essentially helpless against another instance of PvP combat. Now of course, PvP can be avoided, but these circumstances where a freshly revived player is hunted by a stronger individual can quickly turn into griefing.

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The other major announcement involves the creation of a player-controlled economy. Like in other survival multiplayer games like Rust, players will be able to take the loot and items they have, and sell them to other players for monetary gain. The hope here is that the incentive for economic gain will increase the motivation for player conflict, although only time will tell how that all pans out.

Fallout 76 is currently available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.


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