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PlatinumGames and Square Enix announce Babylon’s Fall, coming 2019

Square Enix announced today a new game in collaboration with PlatinumGames with Babylon’s Fall. The brief trailer doesn’t show us much, aside from a fantasy setting with some real-world historical references. The game is set to launch in 2019 for PlayStation 4 and Steam. See that trailer above.

The hero in-game appears to use some kind of energetic tendrils in combat, no doubt that will play a role in gameplay. Perhaps we could see a PlatinumGames take on a God of War-style brawl through the ages.

One detail worth paying attention to is the key art shown towards the end of the trailer, marking what can be assumed to be the start of Babylon’s Fall‘s story. It features four characters standing before an immense city, weapons in hand. This could either imply that players will have their choice of class and character in Babylon’s Fall, or it could just as likely imply that Babylon’s Fall features cooperative multiplayer.

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