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Path of Exile heading to PS4 in patch 3.5

Path of Exile Delve League

With the ending of Delve League and patch 3.4, Grinding Gear Games has announced that they will be bringing action RPG Path of Exile to PlayStation 4 on December 7, 2018 alongside the 3.5.0 expansion. The 3.5.0 expansion, which is yet to be named, will be launched on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

And in other news, the full announcement detailing the new Challenge League in patch 3.5 will come from GGG next week.

There is some bad news though, mostly concerning features of the PS4 version of the game. No cross play will be included at launch, as Sony has been slow to respond to any cross-platform play after it relented in the face of Fortnite earlier this year. No futher details are available as of now, but we can expect that trading and all of the other basic gameplay elements of Path of Exile will be in this new console version when it launches.

With the current kerfuffle over the announcement of Diablo Immortal that Blizzard royally screwed up, GGG is capitalizing on a new flow of players heading to their APRG by announcing this new development to appeal to a wider playerbase. Only time will tell how this all pans out.

Check out the trailer for the PS4 version of POE down below. Check out the full announcement over on the official site.

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