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Path of Exile 3.6, Synthesis League Revealed

Path of Exile 3.6 Synthesis League
Go check out our Starter Builds for 3.6.

The newest League for Path of Exile has been revealed, and we now know what happened with the conflict between Shaper and Elder. With the launch of the 3.6 expansion, players will navigate through the Maze of Memories to find the final piece of the puzzle. Grinding Gear Games is taking us deep on a journey through memory in the hunt for the truth.

The Synthesis League introduces a new NPC, Cavas, who gives players the task of helping to rebuild his fractured memories. Players will tread through his fractured mind, using a new Atlas-like map system creating map pathways with the memory fragments they recover by defeating bosses. And just like Delve, expect plenty of escalating difficulty. With Path of Exile 3.6, expect more of the same meta-game focusing on speedy builds when it comes to these new encounters.

The general idea here is that the new Synthesis League will be an iteration of Delve League, while including new Atlas-like mechanics. Players will navigate chains of different maps, collecting memory fragments, and along the way stabilizing memory cores which allow them to unlock the next step in the process. Think of the process as a more condensed Delve. Path of Exile Synthesis is going to be fun and crazy, and I love it.

There’s also a new Bridge mechanic that players can engage in once they stabilize a memory. Players will use the items they collect when running memory maps to open diverging paths in this new system. Each path has their own challenges, and will unlock new paths along the chain of maps. Players can also roll unique mods onto these maps. You can even “amplify” a memory node to double the effect of mods rolled on it.

POE Synthesis Atlas

GGG is also introducing a new class of Rare items which will compete with Shaper and Elder items, called Fractured Items in Path of Exile 3.6. These will have unique mod pools and huge potential, once you rebuild them. Players will be able to combine these new classes of items into specially crafted versions with higher level bases and open mods, this has huge crafting potential. The newly introduced Synthesizer crafting bench lets you do this.

Path of Exile Synthesis Rares

Along with this new batch of content comes a variety of new skill reworks, as well as some completely new skills. There’s a ton of reworks planned to bring both ranged and melee skills into parity with one another in terms of power. Melee has been in a rough state lately, so it needs some attention. Nearly every spell in the game has been changed in some way, with many receiving buffs.

Synthesis also contains a complete balance overhaul of all spells in Path of Exile, six new Chaos and Holy spells and significant incentives for hand-casting including several new support gems. These two new spells are Unleash and Spell Focus.

Path of Exile Synthesis is also introducing two new class archetypes with this expansion. The Chaos and Holy Spellcaster archetypes are being added to the game, each with their own new skills and playstyles. Check out some screenshots down below detailing these new playstyles.

The ARPG is also introducing four new Supporter Packs as well. The Sunstone, Sunspire, Doomcrow and Doomguard packs are out now.

The 3.6.0 expansion for Synthesis will launch on the 8th of March (PST) on PC, and on the 11th of March (PST) on Xbox One. The PS4 release of POE is still being worked on, but no firm release date yet. The plan is to release that platform towards the end of March, although that’s obviously subject to change.

Check out the new trailer for the expansion, as well as a bunch of screenshots, down below.

But a new expansion isn’t the only thing that’s been announced today. GGG may be taking players on a journey through memory, but they’re looking to the future as well. The company also released a ton of information about the roadmap for releases in 2019, including the first details about ExileCon, the fan convention due to take place in New Zealand in November.

According to GGG, here’s the general plan for the rest of the year in terms of expansion content:

  • June 2019 – 3.7.0 expansion
  • September 2019 – 3.8.0 expansion
  • December 2019 – 3.9.0 expansion

And don’t worry, because the team at GGG is already thinking of ideas for the 4.0 expansion, the next mega expansion due for Path of Exile in 2020.

What are your thoughts on Path of Exile Synthesis? Let us know in the comments.

Source: POE Site

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