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Overwatch 1.41 patch tweaks most heroes

Sigma is Live Now on Overwatch PTR

Ever since the 31st roster addition in Overwatch, Sigma, arrived in the shooter, the meta-game has been a bit set in its ways. It’s understandable that players want to play their favorite heroes, but Blizzard needs to shake things up from time to time, and that is exactly what the developer is doing with the 1.41 patch this week. The newest patch is of course coming to the PTR first, to give players time to experiment and suss out the new meta. It will also allow Blizzard time to collect feedback and make adjustments to the changes where needed.

Out of the 31 heroes on the roster, 13 are getting some kind of adjustment. This in total accounts for roughly half of the overall roster by the way.  All in all it’s going to be a pretty pronounced shakeup of the meta-game. Overall, the changes are all over the place, bringing a ton of tweaks to timing, damage and ammo counts of different abilities. For example, D.Va’s Defense Matrix regeneration delay has been slightly reduced by just 0.25 seconds, and all of the changes are like that. And if you want to just see the big changes to each hero, we’ve got your back.

Sigma’s been nerfed, along with a bunch of other heroes like Orisa, Baptiste, Doomfist, Moira, and Symmetra. All of these make it looks like Blizzard wants players to be more aggressive rather than relying on the strong defensive nature of the current meta to minimize risk in matches. Combine this with the fact that Lúcio, D.Va, Mercy, Winston, Roadhog, and Tracer have been buffed, and you get a meta for this cycle that should result in more mobile playstyles coming to the forefront.

Here is the entire list of all the changes coming to the heroes during the PTR patch, courtesy of Blizzard:


Defense Matrix


Protective Barrier


Scrap Gun


Kinetic Grasp

Gravitic Flux

Experimental Barrier


Barrier Projector


Immortality Field



Amp It Up

Wall Ride




Biotic Grasp


Rocket Punch

The Best Defense…




Photon Barrier

Sentry Turret

Photon Projector


Pulse Pistols

The Overwatch 1.41 patch also brings some bug fixes to the game. For the entire list of changes, check out the official announcement at the Blizzard forums. The Overwatch 1.41 patch is now live on the PTR, so jump in and give it a whirl. Overwatch is out now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, and a Nintendo Switch port is coming next month.

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