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Overkill’s The Walking Dead trailer revealed. More info coming in 2018


A new Walking Dead franchise game is in development by Overkill, and we have a trailer too.

This new teaser trailer doesn’t give us much to go on, and the stream that it was revealed on had little other detail. This is the first bit of news in quite a few years about the game, since it’s announcement back in 2014.

We could see some of the hints being dropped in the trailer making it to the final game. Aidan uses a car horn to lure zombies to an area, and it’s plausible similar tricks and misdirection will be vital to survival in the ruins of Washington D.C. where the game takes place.

It’s playable as a four-player co-op FPS and there will be skill trees, squad roles, missions and raids. You and three others will pick between four playable characters and complete various missions and raids to protect your camp against the living and the dead. More information on the characters, gameplay the story will be revealed in 2018. Overkill are wanting to create their own story in The Walking Dead universe and the characters are normal people just trying to survive.

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