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Unlock a new trainer with Orochimaru in Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker

Orochimaru Comes to Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker

As part of the post-launch content plan for Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker, there’s a new character pack DLC. This new DLC character for Naruto to Boruto Shinobi Striker will unlock a new master trainer in the fighting game. Are you prepared to take on the lord of serpents, Orochimaru?

Available as part of a new content pack for Naruto fans, this DLC character will allow you to unlock a series of new abilities. The Master Character Training Pack – Orochimaru pack allows the chance to head to train with iconic character to earn some new attacks and cosmetic items for your created characters.

You can earn Avatar Parts by completing the training as well. Various addons such as Orochimaru’s Hait, his full outfit, and even a special “Ninja Way” t-shirt are up for grabs if you complete the training sequences. But it’s not just cosmetic items that are available, there’s also some really cool Ninjutsu too.

Three new Ninjutsu can be equipped to a character once unlocked through Orochimaru, and they are as follows:

  • Multiple Striking Shadow Snake (Ranged Type)
  • Wind Style: Great Breach (Ranged Type)
  • Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation (Ranged Type)

It’s pretty cool to see one of the more interesting, albeit sinister, Jutsu showing up with the Reanimation move. And while it isn’t a permanent summon, because that would be very broken in multiplayer, it’s nice that such a recognizable and important move is represented in-game. And having Orochimaru get a bigger role in game as a trainer is great since he’s such an intriguing character.

Orochimaru joins Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi, and one of his fellow Sanin Jiraiya, as the newest DLC character on the fighting game roster. Check out the announcement trailer for the Oroshimaru DLC down below.

Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker is available now on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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