EVE Video

o7: The EVE Online show – Episode 6


o7: The EVE Online Show airs live from CCP HQ in Iceland, casting a light on the actions of players and developers alike.

In this episode we spoke with CCP Fozzie about a bunch of gameplay changes coming to EVE at the end of April and beyond. We learned to pronounce some of EVE’s vocabulary with the aid of EVE players at Fanfest, we interviewed the amazing Kira Tsukimoto from Brave, went to an EVE party in the woods of Finland, premiered Hendrick Tallardar’s first o7 Report, and watched Jayne Fillon and Gorski Car slug it out on Celebrity Shootout. We also had a special guest intro the show to celebrate April Fools and of course we ended the show by going out into space and getting horribly killed in combat.

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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.