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New Wasteland 3 patch reduces load times up to 60%

New Wasteland 3 patch 1.1.2 notes

The newest patch for the isometric RPG Wasteland 3 has had a major impact on load times and other issues. The new Wasteland 3 patch focuses on fixes of various kinds, but there’s one key change coming. The biggest alteration with the Wasteland 3 1.1.2 patch is a major reduction in overall load times.

As an example, inXile tested their own code and found that the new patch had reduced a 38-second load time down all the way to 13 seconds. That kind of reduction is massive for a few reasons. It’s important to know that your hardware and other considerations will affect your own load times, but you should see some kind of reduction.

Wasteland 3 is not an easy game by any stretch of the imagination. This new Wasteland 3 patch is a great and needed change for those that enjoy savescumming. If you’re the kind of player to rollback a bad choice with a save and load cycle, this time could be really irritating to sit through. And even if you’re not that kind of player, the reduction in load times between games and scenes is still welcome.

This new patch added a bunch of other changes, in addition to the load time adjustment. Graphical and audio issues in some scenes have been fixed too. Stability has been improved as well with some crashes and other issues getting knocked out. Other issues fixed also include some game-breaking bugs that could block progression in the story. Also, an issue with voice chat text-to-speech and speech-to-text has been resolved.

The patch is now live on Steam and GOG, and both launchers should grab it automatically. Check out the full patch notes for the game down below.

Wasteland 3 1.1.2 Patch Notes

  • Do you hate long load times? We hate long load times. Our engineers changed how the game loads levels, reducing load times by up to 60% on PC and 25% on console.
    • As one example, on our PC test hardware a 38 second load time was reduced to 13 seconds.
  • Fixed an issue where combat could become unresponsive with use of the Chain Ambush Perk for sniper rifles.
  • Resolved several progression blocking issues in Yuma County Speedway.
  • Enemies are now much less invisible after use of Precision Strike.
Performance & Stability
  • Significantly changed how levels load, resulting in up to 60% faster load speeds across the game on PC, and on average 25% faster for consoles.
    • Note: your hardware, save data, and which level you’re loading into can all impact load times. Your mileage may of course vary.
    • As part of this change, auto-saves will no longer occur as a part of the level load, and instead happen concurrently. This can lead to situations where you’ve loaded into the next scene but an auto-save is still in-progress. Don’t close the game while the Ranger star is spinning.
  • Major Prasad will no longer crash your game if you exit while she’s still talking.
  • Additional stability and performance improvements for consoles that were too technical for the person writing these patch notes to understand and explain easily. It’s good stuff though. All good stuff.
    • We’ll be continuing to target and resolve specific stability issues as necessary.
  • Players can no longer attack companions that are in the process of being recruited by the other player, in case your partner likes to troll.
  • Fixed an issue where the Guest client could become unresponsive when talking with Hope Emerson and choosing to side with Del Hackett and her people.
  • Improved stability while in the Hire Companion screen.
  • Players can now use the keyboard in the lobby screen to choose game type, options, invite player, and ready up.
  • Enabled UI Narration in the Direct Connection interface and for multiplayer game messages sent through chat.
  • Fixed an issue with voice chat text-to-speech and speech-to-text.
  • [Microsoft Store] Resolved an issue where guests couldn’t rejoin a lobby they’d just left.
Quests & Gameplay
  • Resolved an issue where quirks could become unselectable during character creation.
  • Fixed a potential blocker with Medical Marvel not allowing revival without use of a Nitro Spike.
  • Resolved a rare issue that would block you from speaking to a companion.
  • The door in Yuma County Speedway leading to Liberty is now unbreakable as intended.
  • Fixed minor graphical issue with the radio.
  • Some cinematic characters have been given microdermabrasion treatments and now have better looking skin.
  • Skill levels for recruitable characters now display properly in all cases.
  • Mission status should no longer display incorrectly after quest completion or updates.
  • Resolved issue where the spinning Ranger Star would permanently stay on screen after saving the game.
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