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New The Outer Worlds trailer beckons you to the Halcyon

The Outer Worlds Companion Gameplay

Another new trailer for Obsidian Entertainment’s biting new exploration game, The Outer Worlds, has just been dropped. And this time, we’re getting a super-special invite to a thriving colony, Halcyon. It’s got everything you could ever want, lavish accommodations,  wonderfully creative architecture, and plenty of resources. “Do you dream of working on the frontier of space?” the intro teases, offering a glimpse of a better life.

It won’t be a fast or easy journey though. Having to contend with both the third-rate equipment and lack of resources is bad enough, but the lies just keep compounding. As you explore these dangerous new environs, the whole world built around you starts to tumble, and you might just realize how bad of a situation you’re really in.

This is, The Outer Worlds is probably lying to you. This games is very much wearing its heart on its sleeve when it comes to the message being pushed. The message itself is all about one thing, dystopian nightmares.

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Obsidian Entertainment has put a fair amount of effort into crafting this world, complete with tons of sardonic humor and a majorly dystopian feel. The strong anti-corporate message permeates the entire process of playing the game. Even the story and the worlds around you echo that sentiment. As you build relationships with your companions, you’re likely to learn how they became trapped in this waking nightmare just like you. And just maybe, you’ll be able to escape.

Check out the newest trailer for the game down below. The game is due to release for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Switch and PC will arrive on October 25th.

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