With another impressive update from CIG, the development train is slowly rolling towards 3.0 for Star Citizen. This weeks “Around the Verse” is focusing on the UI system for Star Citizen, known as MobiGlas. The new video also features a section that shows off a bit of CIGs QA process for Star Citizen.
With the main focus here being MobiGlas, the immersive UI for the game holds a wealth of features and information. You can use the mobiGlas to check your vitals, analyze the environment to make sure it’s survivable without a suit, change your equipment, check the status of your quests or your finances, and much more.
The crowdfunding campaign for the game has reached and surpassed just another milestone, and is now over 156 million dollars. To be more precise, the total tally is $156,129,887, pledged by 1,856,880 backers. At this point, the amount CIG has raised has ceased to be surprising, it’s just that huge amount of money that’s going to continue to grow.
The fact that might be surprising to some backers and fans is that 3.0 has been a source of controversy for CIG. Some naysayers have been questioning the financial situation of the game, while CIG was unfortunately unable to hold 3.0 to it’s initial launch window and had to delay it.
If you want to see more Star Citizen action, you can also watch two recent gameplay videos, one on shops and kiosks and footage on new vehicles.