Cryptic Studios and Perfect World Entertainment have published another patch to one of their flagship MMOs, Neverwinter. The game has gone through a mountain of different changes and seasonal events over the years. And the realms based upon the variety of Dungeons & Dragons have shifted and change so many times that it’s hard to keep track. These realms are currently getting spooky for Halloween 2019, and the game just got a new patch. Let’s dig into the gory details.
The Halloween patch is mostly focusing on bug fixing, but it does offer some minor changes to some gameplay elements. The Elven Battle Enchantment (Armor) now properly diminishes CC duration in PvP combat beyond the natural PvP CC reduction. The Role Reversal boon in PvP has also been reworked to undo previous changes, so now it properly applies its old effect. One final change to Professions should make the process of creation smoother, as repeating profession tasks no longer have a chance to unassign the artisan.
Quest bugs and clipping problems in some zones have been addressed with this patch. Some issues with broken currency conversion and purchased mounts not working properly have also been fixed on the economic side of things.
Check out the full patch notes for the new update down below:
Content and Environment
- A few floating objects on the event podium have been grounded.
- Acquisitions Incorporated: Convention Infiltration: Some quest objectives no longer incorrectly advance when the player chooses non-advancing dialog options.
- Maze Engine: A Matter of Dwarves and Farms: This quest is now consistently given at level 70, up from 60, so that players don’t enter the instance at too low a level.
- Protector’s Enclave: Players can no longer fall through a particular corner of some stairs.
- The instructions for beginning the Tyranny of Dragons campaign have been clarified.
Tales of Old: Throne of Idris
- One specific artifact can no longer incorrectly be used while artifact powers are blocked by embellishments.
- The progress display for Coins of Tales Told is once again visible.
- Trinkets of Old can now properly be spent at the event store. They will disappear on Thursday!
- The in-game achievements Yrlakka’s Recon Operative and Zerthimon Reconciled now function more accurately to their descriptions.
Combat and Powers
Enchantments and Enhancements
- Elven Battle Enchantment (Armor) now properly diminishes CC duration in PvP combat beyond the natural PvP CC reduction.
- The Role Reversal boon fix has had its reversion reversed. (It’s fixed again, and now properly functions as described.)
- An issue has been addressed that could cause players to incorrectly revive from a fully-defeated state.
- Githyanki: This companion no longer incorrectly moves bosses.
- Some powers no longer incorrectly have a chance to cast without applying their stated cooldown.
Items and Economy
- Demogorgon: Twisted Ichor is once again properly awarded upon achieving Silver or better in this encounter.
- High-quality potions created by Alchemy at levels 71-80 now properly apply their buffs.
- For players who had a token stuck in their inventory after purchasing the Gith Race Pack, that token has now been removed from their inventory.
- Players can now properly purchase 1000 Rough Astral Diamonds for 300 Seals at all appropriate seal vendors.
- Players who had added a Legendary Giant Toad mount to their stable without receiving the correct passive and combat powers now properly have those powers.
User Interface
- When a repeating profession task completes, it no longer has a chance to unassign the artisan.
Character Art
Character Creation
- The purchased hairstyles can now properly be applied to gith characters.
- Halaster’s Cloak now properly displays when used as an appearance item on female characters.