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New Detroit: Become Human gameplay trailer highlights art style

Detroit Become Human Demo

Quantic Dream have shared a new trailer for their upcoming game, Detroit: Become Human. This time, the focus isn’t on the rich storytelling or the detective style gameplay, it’s all about the art. Or more specifically, it’s all about the concept art that helped build the game world.

The gameplay of Detroit: Become Human has evolved into an interesting mix of puzzle-solving and detective work that has a lot of similarities with Heavy Rain, while also maintaining an intriguing mix of new elements. And we can see quite clearly that pieces of the gameplay engine came about from this early concept art.

But we know you’re all here to see the trailer, and not talk about gameplay. Check out the trailer below.

Interested  players can also go hands-on with the first mission of the game right now as there is currently a demo available on the PlayStation Store.

A word of warning though, there are potential spoilers as some of this art relates to unseen footage, you have been warned.

Detroit: Become Human is the latest title in development by Quantic Dream that expands on the studio’s legacy of gripping, narrative driven experiences Discover what it really means to be human in a powerful, emotional journey made of choice and consequences. Set in Detroit City during the year 2036, the city has been revitalized by the invention and introduction of Androids into everyday life. But when Androids start behaving as if they are alive, events begin to spin out of control. Step into the roles of the story’s pivotal three playable characters, each with unique perspectives as they face their new way of life.

Detroit: Become Human launches exactly three weeks from today on May 25, exclusively for PS4. The game will retail for $60 USD.

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