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New datamining in Apex Legends leaks new Legends and survival more

Apex Legends

Apex Legends is really popular, and fans already want more. And since the surprise launch of the new battle royale title, modders and cheaters have been digging through the code of the game looking to see what’s going on behind-the-scenes. And now, a new revelation from datamining efforts has revealed future plans for the title.

The biggest of these new details comes from some game files that have been dug through and revealed some unused assets. @RealApexLeaks found references to a very interesting new mode. Simply referred to as Survival in the in-game files, as Survival. The actual details of this new mode are pretty sparse but fans will speculate nonetheless. @ApexUpdate found entries in the game’s code that mention solo, and duos modes. The inclusion of new queue modes has a lot of potential, especially for streamers and solo players.

But a new game mode isn’t the only thing that has been revealed for the future of Apex Legends either. More digging through the code unearthed some new heroes. RealApexLeaks found entries for at least two upcoming heroes. The first, called Octane uses some sort of buffs system through injections, which is interesting. Then there’s Wattson who uses shock traps as an offensive ability.

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None of these leaks have been officially confirmed, but since the speculation relies on data found within the game files, there’s a strong chance these assets will be used in the full game at some point. It is possible for the final version of these leaks to change, but somewhat unlikely as that would probably require more development work.

Apex Legends is available now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. And whatever happens in regards to these leaks and other future content, we’ll probably find out more as we get closer to the first major content update to the game this March.

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