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Neverwinter Xbox One gets Elemental Evil update in September


Well met, adventurers! We’re proud to announce Neverwinter: Elemental Evil for Xbox One, which will launch this September! This update brings content from four expansions all in one release as Xbox One players will now have access to content from Elemental Evil, Fury of the Feywild, Shadowmantle and Curse of Icewind Dale. Neverwinter: Elemental Evil will introduce a level cap increase to 70, eight new adventure zones and the Oathbound Paladin class, which can be played as either a healer or a tank. Those three features only scratch the surface of what we’re bringing to consoles this fall. Take a look at a short list of changes coming:

  • Level cap increase from 60 to 70
  • Oathbound Paladin playable class
  • Eight new adventure zones
  • Icewind Dale
  • Sharandar
  • The Dread Ring
  • Malabog’s Castle, Valindra’s Tower and Kessell’s Retreat.
  • Minsc & Boo join adventurers in the fight against the Cults of Elemental Evil
  • Increase in companion quality cap from epic to legendary
  • Maximum level increase for all professions
  • Vote-to-kick changes
  • Achievements fixed


In addition to these changes, we’d like to also mention that changes made from Elemental Evil on PC post launch will also be included in the initial release on consoles. With over 2 million players on Xbox One, our team wants to continue to support our amazing fans with additional content that is completely free to download and play. Whether you’re a veteran Neverwinter player with a few Tiamat fights under your belt or a brand new adventurer, now is the best time to jump into our free-to-play Dungeons & Dragons MMORPG.

Look out for blogs which will introduce players to everything this massive update has to offer. We’ll be publishing guides, lore, community events and stream announcements in the weeks leading up to the launch of Elemental Evil on Xbox One in September!

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