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Mount And Blade II: Bannerlord update adding rebels and more

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord – Increasing your influence

Mount And Blade II: Bannerlord is already a huge and detailed game, simulating the feudal wars of a fictional world. And now, with the future patches planned, the game is getting even bigger. The options are expanding to improve gameplay and make things a bit more immersive. The developers are also varying up gameplay choices with new missions and battle types. So here’s what’s new in the future of the game.

Gameplay options are getting a bunch of changes too. The birth and death system can be toggled off on new save. The diplomacy system is getting a bit of an overhaul. Diplomacy is also be expanded with more options for vassals and the lords controller, giving players the ability to plan their lands and titles out a bit better. This also works in tandem with the expanded kingdom management systems that are being put in.

The game map is being updated with some new icons as well. Players will have a bunch of new things to handle, including AI companions that earn XP and relations ranks easier. This will also tie into other new systems that make it easier to manage the kingdoms and lands you hold. That all ties into a more realized game world. The campaign simulation will be expanded with more options for AI characters to take in gameplay. This means that AI clans will be more viable through children and warfare. Kingdoms on both the player and AI side will be more realistic in the economic side of things. Clans will be more lively in the missions and wars they undertake as well, with more economic options allowing them to wage more wars.

And speaking of battles and missions, there are two new mission types headed to Mount And Blade II: Bannerlord. The dev update went into detail about new Keep battles, which offer a more varied siege experience. When players attack cities or castles, enemies may sometimes choose to make a final stand inside the holdfast of their settlements. This means that the fights here will be much more close-quarters than you’re used to.

The new patches will be brought in via a staggered series of updates, adding new content. Some of these features are added via the beta branch for now, with more stuff coming later. Check out the video update down below.

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