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Monster Hunter: World – Winter Star Fest Begins

The newest seasonal event is here for Monster Hunter: World, and it’s a biggun’. The Winter Star shines over Astera in the Winter Star Fest, bringing with it all manner of new and old monsters to hunt and rewards to unlock.

And alongside returning events, Capcom is also introducing new Limited Bounties to earn Winter Star Tickets. These are needed to craft the gear for your hunter and your palico, so you need to complete at least a few of these. The Bounties refresh every 24 hours, and as of writing the first batch should still be up. You’ll need to hunt two regular Rathalos, and yes LR Raths count, as well as hunt one Azure Rath. You can also complete two Event Quests. I recommend the Midnight Madness Rank 6 Quest to complete two Quests easily.

But it’s not just Limited Bounties with special conditions that add fun for this final seasonal event of 2018 in Monster Hunter World. Almost all of the old Event Quests from previous events are returning. So this is your chance to grab all manner of old event gear and weapons that you may be missing. Console gamers have missed out on another shot at Kulve Taroth though. And the DMC Code Red Quest is also missing.

The new Orion armor sets are pretty cool, and are a great stop-gap solution for while you’re building another set. Check them out:

But Capcom is making up for it with some new Event Quests for hunters to enjoy. Here are the three new Event Quests coming to Monster Hunter: World, with the requirements to participate, the mission and rewards.

Timberland Troublemakers (Four-Star)

  • 4 ★ located in the Ancient Forest
  • Players must be HR 4 or higher
  • Player must slay 2 Anjanaths.
  • Increased low rank rewards in addition to the Bristly Crake Ticket and Steel Egg drops.

Kings Know No Fear (Seven-Star)

  • 7 ★ located in the Elder Recess
  • Players must be HR 13 or higher
  • Player must slay an Azure Rathalos and a Rathalos.
  • Increase high rank rewards in addition to the Tickets to forge the Sealed Eyepatch & Wiggler Layered armor and Gold Egg drops.

Like a Moth to the Flame (Nine-Star)

  • HR 50 or higher required
  • Slay Xeno’jiiva
  • REWARD: Xeno y armor set and Commission layered armor tickets

The Winter Star event runs until December 17th, for all platforms. Check out a promotional trailer for the event to get a peek at some of the rewards available during the Festival.

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