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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order E3 2019 Gameplay

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order E3 2019 Gameplay

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is the long-awaited continuation of the excellent beat-em-up franchise of games, Marvel Ultimate Alliance. The Switch title brought in a new team of developers and is likely to bring an entirely new flavor to the fighting game, as it’s being made by the rather skilled Ninja Theory.

During the Nintendo Direct presentation at E3, players and fans alike got to see a bit more of the cast that will feature in this new title. Fantastic Four, X-Men, and Marvel Knights all had cameos, so there will likely be a mix of playable characters and NPCs from these properties in the final game. And you’re going to need all the help you can get to take on Thanos and The Black Order.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is bringing characters both big and small to bear for this outing, assuring that even the more jaded Marvel fans will have a touchstone character they can enjoy playing. Each of the heroes and their villainous counterparts has a suite of superpowers that will play out in-game. Some are more useful for clearing away legions of goons, others are better for nuking down a single powerful foe.

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It’s this balance of power that’s crucial to the big draw for the title, the multiplayer. Blasting your way across the universe will be easier if you have a balanced team after all.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is out on the Switch on July 19, 2019. Check out the slick new gameplay footage direct from E3 down below.

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