The next installment to The Dark Pictures Anthology is titled Little Hope, and was revealed in a teaser trailer at the end of Man of Medan. One gamer who just beat the horror game has shared it, revealing the next game in the collection. Check out the teaser down below.
The story seems a bit more mysterious this time around. Whereas Man of Medan held up a deadly ghost ship as the main setting, Little Hope will be grounding the story in a rural village, seemingly under some kind of witchy spell. We can see some chain-wielding ghoul or something as the main bad guy in the trailer, but if the previous games were any indication, that might be a red herring. There’s still a cast of tropish characters and the relationship system that’s a core part of Man of Medan. I just hope that the co-op system makes a return as well.
Will Poulter will play a starring role, and known for his excellent work in Son of Rambow, Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, and most recently, Midsommar, he definitely has the chops for the horror game side of things.
It will be very intriguing to see how the developer copes with another new setting and accelerated pace of development that pushing out multiple smaller games compared to Until Dawn brings. From what I’ve seen of the first game in the anthology, it looks like they still have their characteristic charm and fascination with spookiness down pat.
Little Hope is set for a 2020 release, although a firm date isn’t confirmed yet. And with the first game, Man of Medan, just now coming out I really hope that Supermassive lets their team take a little break and isn’t crunching too hard.