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Last This War of Mine DLC, Fading Embers, wraps story

Fading Embers, Last This War of Mine DLC

This War of Mine has been putting out a variety of DLC components within the Stories line. These pieces of content introduced new gameplay mechanics, characters, settings and items to the game. Occasionally the developers also introduce new story elements that shakeup the monotony of existing in this hellish warzone, if there ever was such a thing.

This War of Mine tells the story of survival within a hellish reality that is sadly not all that alien to many people. Rather than playing the “heroic” soldiers in a battle like one would in a shooter, this game puts you in the role of a desperate civilian caught in the crossfire. The daily grind of gathering food and supplies is juxtaposed with the dangerous nights of scavenging and fending off robbers and other threats. The narrative woven through this experience is tense and dark, but strangely fun if you’re up for a challenge.

There are multiple endings in Fading Embers, so try your hand at survival and see far you can get. Each choice you make, whether it’s saving a helpless civilian or raiding another camp, will define both you and the game you play. The narrative will also change depending on those choices too. As Tomasz Kisilewicz, the lead artist for Fading Embers said, “These branches were necessary to help address the overarching question of what has the bigger value — things made by men that outlast life or the life of a man itself. When you think about it, humans stand against the destructive power of war not only to save themselves but also to save what entire generations have created.”

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Fading Embers is the third and final episode coming to This War of Mine. It follows both Father’s Promise and The Last Broadcast.  Check it out in the trailer down below.

Fading Embers is coming to PC via Steam on August 6th. It will cost a rather affordable $3.99.

This War of Mine is out now from 11 Bit Studios for Android, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Mac and Linux. The base game even got a Switch port, if you want to take your harrowing journey on a train ride.

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