The legendary action franchise John Wick has exploded into a worldwide phenomenon. Bithell Games has taken on the task of adapting the Keanu Reaves-led film franchise into a stylish and fun video game. And they did a very good job. And now, the game is making the jump to new platforms.
The original launch of the game came out via the Epic Games Store, before jumping to the PS4 this year. Now we’re taking the carnage to a new series of consoles and new PC storefronts. Bithell Games’ Mike Bithell has announced that strategic shooter John Wick Hex will be heading to Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam on December 4.
Much like the story of the films, there’s a definite supernatural element to the whole affair. John Wick Hex borrows heavily from games like SUPERHOT in terms of gameplay, in that time only moves when you do. This turns a simple shooter approach to gaming into something more unique and puzzle-like. Combine with the gameplay loop of collecting new weapons and buffs to make yourself more effective in combat. This turns the whole affair into a strategic exercise, where you have to move around the grid interface with careful precision to avoid being caught in a hail of bullets.
Running around mindlessly being trigger-happy is not the approach here, and the game wears that on its sleeve. All of this combines to create an experience that’s pitched less at action film fans, and more at the tactically-minded strategy gamer.
John Wick Hex will launch on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and on Steam from December 4. Check out the trailer for the new port down below.