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Is there a physical release for Mafia: Trilogy?

Will there be a physical release for Mafia: Trilogy

With the reveal of Mafia: Definitive Edition this week, fans of the iconic crime sim franchise are rather fired up. Along with that news comes the release of the digital versions of the Definitive Editions of Mafia II and Mafia III. Publisher 2K has bundled these games together within the Mafia: Trilogy as a digital release. Although that’s great, one question remains. Is there a physical release for Mafia: Trilogy planned?

The trilogy of games includes the new Mafia: Definitive Edition as well, making it a really good deal. But not everyone has a decent internet connection, making digital games unappealing for many. So with the question of a physical release of Mafia: Trilogy, it’s something people want to know. Having a full trilogy of these great games is awesome. but it’s a problem for some.


The short answer is that yes, Mafia: Trilogy will receive a physical port on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. So when the set of games comes out on August 28, 2020, you will be able to get it in stores. That’s a heck of a wait though, so some fans might be disappointed. The physical release for Mafia: Trilogy occurs on the same day that Mafia: Definitive Edition is getting launched digitally.

The release of the set will enable fans new and old to come to know an amazing game franchise, and having the physical release for Mafia: Trilogy on the same days as the remaster gives an optimal opportunity for fans to hop back in and to experience the games in all their glory.

Having the physical port of Mafia: Trilogy and digital version of Mafia: Definitive Edition release on the same day is pretty obvious. What seems a little confusing though is how it’s being handled in different regions. The FAQ section of the game’s website reveals something strange.

The physical version of Mafia: Trilogy can be pre-ordered in Asian and EMEA territories right now, which is cool. But if you’re in the Americas, there’s a problem. There seemingly won’t be any physical release for Mafia: Trilogy in these areas of the globe. Unless this changes, users in the Americas will be locked into getting the bundle digitally.

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