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Is Ooblets coming to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, or Steam?

Is Ooblets coming to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, or Steam?

Ooblets is a newly released farming some much like that of Stardew Valley. It also includes friendly little monsters that roam around, almost like Stardew Valley and threw in Pokémon. The game is just about released for Xbox One, and PC through the Epic Games Store. But will it come to the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, or Steam?

Ooblets does have a Steam page now, but the release date is listed as TBD, suggesting things are not set in stone yet. The developer has not released a firm release date for the game, leaving fans wondering. Right now, Ooblets will launch to the Xbox One and Epic Games Store as an early access game. But, the actual date is still a bit up in the air. The team behind it will continue to patch the game over time, adding in fixes and new content over the next few months.

Not coming to Steam could seriously hamper the reach of the game though, so it’s safe to assume that Ooblets will come to the store at some point in the future.

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The consoles are a much bigger mystery though. Glumberland has no plans to bring the game to Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4, at least based on what they’ve announced so far. While the tone and gameplay of the title would be a good fit for the Switch, fans will have to wait and see if anything happens on that front. Given that it’s an early access title, it could be some time before the developers decide to port the game over to PS4 or Switch.

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