The Full-Time Part-Time Challenge in BitLife is a strange one this time around. You need to avoid taking full-time jobs, and instead focus on making tons of cash with part-time jobs and social media. The grind is real this week, and things are going to get kind of stressful. There are two tasks you can do for this task that have to do with this guide. The two different steps focusing on working part-time in High School in BitLife are a bit annoying. You need to both get 40+ hours of work per week in part-time jobs only, but also 10+ Freelance Gigs.
For one thing, you need to put in 10+ Freelance Gigs in High School. You will need to work Freelance gigs and part-time jobs via your entire life. You can’t take any normal career via the Occupation tab or you will fail the challenge. Freelance gigs will be found within the Occupation menu. Just click the Freelance Gigs option 10 times in high School. Repeat this 10 or more times to get done with this part of the challenge. From there, you then need to start working part-time jobs.
Click the Part-Time Jobs option in the menu. You need to look at each job and check how many hours each one is worth per week. Usually, part-time jobs in BitLife offer 8-15 hours per week. You need to combine enough part-time employment tasks to equal 40+ hours per week. The one downside of this is that you will add up on stress. Keep on eye on your schedule and stress in the Job menu, don’t let it get too full.
Once you have finished these two tasks, you can move on and complete the Full-Time Part-Time Challenge in BitLife.