Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, which adapts content from all nine mainline films, is a huge success for TT Games. The sheer volume of content is massive, and it’s tons of fun. By tying into the various properties that they have licensed, players get to explore all manner of fiction, comics, films and more. Players love these block-based adventures. There’s just too much fun to be had collecting blocks and solving puzzles. Another huge draw of the games is unlocking the character roster completely.
One of the leaders of the military wing of the Resistance against the First Order, Admiral Holdo is a central figure in the later three films in the franchise. Though she nobly sacrifices herself to protect the remains of the rebel fleet, the good guys remained on the back foot. If you want to bring her back for a few blocky adventures, here’s what to do.
How to Unlock Admiral Holdo in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
You just need to open up the pause menu and select the correct option. You can pause the game at any time and select the Enter Code option from the pause menu. Additionally, you can access the Extras tab through the Holoprojector and enter cheat codes by pressing Y/Triangle. From there, just type the code in and unlock the free character. No need to mess about collecting Studs and completing the right mission. This means you can unlock literally dozens of characters.
Enter the code “XV4WND9” on the keyboard to claim the character. You should then have access to Admiral Holdo in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga from the character select screen.
You don’t have to complete missions for every character though, as some are unlocked with codes. There are many other characters you can unlock with these codes. These codes canbe used to unlock Jedi like Ayala Secura, and many other fighters and droids. You could also unlock Temmin “Snap” Wexley by completing the correct mission. If you need help finding where to enter your cheat codes, check out our guide on how to enter cheat codes in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. We have the list of all the different codes you can use to unlock new characters there as well.
Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is available now for PlayStation 4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch and Windows PC.