Normally, BitLife is a one-and-done type of game. Players live out one digital life and then that round ends when their character passes away. If your character dies, you lose all their stats, assets and other stuff. Their money will also go away. Being able to swap to a new life and continue the chaos would be a good thing. Players don’t normally have that option. You do have one workaround though, so that’s what we’re going to cover here.
This is a good thing to do if you’re very rich with a character, and want to keep some of their wealth around. When that character dies, their children and spouse will get an inheritance, which would disappear from the game if you don’t take control of the child or someone else in the line of succession. Players can use this guide to figure out how to keep the good times rolling.
How to switch to your kid before you die in BitLife
You do need God mode, a paid addon, to do this. This exclusive mode is only available if you pay for it using real-world money, but it’s only a few bucks so it’s not too bad. Once you have the mode activated, you will have a lot more options for changing character stats, and even taking control of new characters. To switch to your kid before you die in BitLife you need to first have a kid. After you have a kid, be sure to plan what you want to do.
Once you know what you’re doing, do some prep work. And if you’re leaving them money, be sure to gift them cash and assets when you can. Each year, you can buy cars and other expensive stuff, then give it to your kid that you’re going to play as. You can give $10,000 per gift to a kid, so do that a few times a year as you build up more cash. This will then be added to their inheritance and any other assets you gift them.
And since you have God Mode, you can also tweak the stats of your new character to suit your needs. When that old character dies, your kid will become an option to take control of. The God Mode addon will give them your money as well, and you can then alter their stats.