As a new JRPG, Tales of Arise is a great game and has a bunch of interesting characters and enemies. The players can build their ideal adventuring party and go out and slay monsters. These games often have many different party members in them, and sometimes you need to change things up. The game will often thrown bosses at you that require changing your gear and abilities. In this guide, we’ll show you how to switch characters in Tales of Arise. With that info at hand, you can get ready for the battles to come.
The gameplay is fast and furious, and rather stylized. Players will encounter a beautiful world filled with all kinds of battles in this new Bandai Namco JRPG. Check out more details in the trailer below.
Now that you know what to expect, let’s get into the actual guide.
How to Switch Characters in Tales of Arise
There’s something to distinguish here, as there’s a difference between the character you use in the overworld, versus the characters you use in combat. The Overworld character you control won’t necessarily be the same one you use in combat. This guide will walk through changing both characters in either situation.
To Switch Characters in Tales of Arise in the Overworld:
- Open the pause menu
- When you look at your party member, there’s a small flag marking the character you’re using in the Overworld.
- Press X/Square to cycle the flag and change the marker to the character you want to use.
Swapping the playable character in combat is a bit different. You can use the real-time target selection by pressing and holding down the LB/L1 buttons to change targets. This will apply to targeted party members for healing as well. While holding down that targeting key, use the left and right arrows on the D-pad to swap the active party member.
The player can also swap between combat characters in the pause menu. Pause the game and bring up the combat menu by pressing Start. You can change through each party member using your various shoulder buttons. This is great for assigning targets and commands in the heat of battle.
If you go into the options, you can also use the Edit menu to change things around. So if you need to alter characters or switch characters in Tales of Arise, that’s an option too.