
How to pre-register for Diablo Immortal open beta

Can you play Diablo Immortal on PC?

Blizzard is finally bringing the maligned Diablo Immortal for various gamers who want to get in. The game will bring a simplified version of the Diablo 3 gameplay loop to mobile gamers. The core of the experience is a simplified version of various iconic Diablo classes to a new setting with the legendary ARPG world. There will even be a PC port, directly contradicting what they said when the game was announced years ago. The game will have plenty of options, but there’s probably not going to be as much depth as the mainline games.

Blizzard has already planned for a beta for the game in a few weeks time. What we’re actually getting won’t be clear until June, but there remains some hype for the mobile title. There’s a lot of stuff left up the air. But at the very least, you can now register for that upcoming open beta.

How to pre-register for Diablo Immortal open beta

As of now, Diablo Immortal will be getting a beta for certain players this June. Since the beta drops on June 2, you will want to do this soon. There are three planned versions of the game coming out at some point. You can register for the beta now on any of the three platforms that will support the game at launch. Check the links below for how to do that. You simply need to make an account for the platform you wish to play on, then register for the Diablo Immortal open beta.

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One of the good things about this split release approach is to have full cross-platform support. There will be cross-play functionality and cross-save with Diablo Immortal coming to PC and mobile devices. That means people looking to play with their friends won’t have to pick and choose what platform the play on. That makes it much easier to develop the game as well, as the devs can only really have to work on one version of the game’s economy and balance passes. This will speed up dev time.

Being a mobile-led release there are going to be some PC gamers who avoid this like the plague, but that’s seemingly OK to Blizzard. And once the Diablo Immortal open beta ends, the game will eventually come to a full release.

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