Destiny 2 has added a literal ton of new items and mechanics in its latest expansion. Bungie fans are salivating over all of the new exotics that just dropped. The Witch Queen has just begun, and already there’s so much to cover. Some fans might be feeling overwhelmed, so our guides are here to help you out. The core of the new expansion is the ability to recreate new weapons out of mixed mod pools, something that wasn’t previously possible. And that means you have plenty of customization options. The hunt for God Rolls just got a lot easier.
Not only are Exotic weapons coming out in all manner of new forms, but there’s also a lot more to learn. You’ll want to make sure you purchase The Witch Queen expansion for Destiny 2. Without it, you will not be able to unlock any of this, putting a cap on your power levels in-game. But once you do, there are plenty of things to encounter and fight. One of the tools you unlock as you get through the story is called a Glaive. Then you need to consider the new Artifacts. These powerful items offer a new equipment slot to grant your Guardian even more boons in combat.
The Destiny 2 weapon crafting system actually adds six new resources to track. Each one is used as part of the DR weapons. Reading the description of a weapon will reveal the various goals you have to unlock perks, as well as extracting resources from the weapon. Be sure to do these when you can, if you plan to unlock more powerful weapons over time.
How to mod and reshape weapons in Destiny 2
As you play through the Witch Queen expansion, you will unlock new weapons and features, one of these is weapon crafting. In the early parts, you’ll just be focused on getting Patterns to unlock new weapons. But it very quickly shifts to improving the basic designs Because sure, Exotics are powerful, but they have hidden potential. And sometimes, you want to swap things around. The ability to rework a crafted weapon is a huge game-changer, as it allows a lot more ability to fine-tune your gear. If you want that perk that you can’t otherwise find, this is the way to get it.
When you unlock a new Deepsight Resonance weapon, you then need to put time into unlocking the perk for your crafting pool. Play the game and earn weapon XP on the mod, when it reaches 100%, you get that perk added to your pool. You can learn what tactic you need to use to upgrade the weapon by reading its description.
Much like the rest of the crafting system, you need to visit the Enclave to get involved in this. Had back to Savathun’s Throne World to get there. Once there, you can head to Relic station to see what options you have. Choose the weapon or Relic you wish to alter, then choose Reshape from the options in the menu. From there, you just need to spend some resources on the mod. After that’s done, you will have unlocked the perk on the weapon.