
How to leave towns and villages in Bannerlord

How to sell prisoners in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord

You’ve been out adventuring in the world of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, and you stopped for a break; but after a drink at the tavern, you’re a bit lost. You’ve found yourself wandering aimlessly through labyrinthine town streets looking for the way out of this town and back to the world map. There’s not a button in the menu you can use to easily jump back to the desired menu, and you panic. Don’t worry, this guide is here to save the day.

Anytime you guide your party to any settlement, be it a castle, town or other structure, you will enter the settlement menu. And when you click to visit a trader, the tavern or other destination you will load into the scene for that location. But if you exit the tavern or keep, you will instead load into the city street, and not back to the menu you started from. You might be a little confused on how to actually leave towns in Bannerlord, as it isn’t really well-explained to brand-new players. So is there an easy way to get out of a town or castle and back to the world map? Keep reading to find out.

How to leave towns and villages in Bannerlord

Short answer, yes, there is a shortcut to leave towns in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. The shortcut to leave towns and other in-world locations in Bannerlord is pretty simple.

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All you have to do is hold Tab down at any time while inside the level, and a bar will appear and fill up. The bar says leaving, so it should be pretty easy to spot. Once the bar fills, you will be dumped back into the settlement menu.

If you’re confused by various elements of this game, try playing the tutorial and you should learn a lot of this. Alternatively, you could try checking out some of our guides. Other things you might want to learn are how to properly manage your party’s size and movement speed. No use building a massive army if it’s too slow to fight. Smithing and other crafting disciplines are key to outfitting your troops. And knowing how to deal with rival lords and vassals is key to actually building that army.

The skill system in the sequel is also much more complex. The act of engaging in everything from trade to diplomacy depends on the skills you bring to the table. You might also want to manage caravans and trade goods to help grow your economy.

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