The Spires are back again this week in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 3. Challenges this week tie back into the storyline surrounding these strange structures. With the NPC Tarana stalking around, she’s asking you to complete various tasks for her. Her quest seems to be summoning something, judging by all the occult influences and the strange shrines added to the game this week. The next phase of the quest involves exploring the new Shrines and collecting various items. You will need to collect various artifacts for her, including, Wolf Fang, Boar Tusk, and Chicken Feathers. Here’s how you can do that.
How to harvest a Wolf Fang, Boar Tusk, and three Chicken Feathers in Fortnite
Colossal Crops is the best POI right now to find boars. Head there and you will find a pen with three of the beasts inside. Take them out to get into the first parts of the challenge. You’re going here because you get to see the chicken spawns just to the south of the Boars. Having these two together pretty close makes both these parts of the challenges much quicker. If you can’t find them, there are more chickens at Cluck’s house to the northwest of Lazy Lake.
Then there are the wolves. You want to head to Primal Lake to find the Wolf spawns. There are a few prowling around, but move fast, as players will be trying to snipe them quick.
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 3 has many new tasks to complete, but they’re going to be tough to do. This challenge will be pretty dangerous right now. The areas around each spawn involved are incredibly high-traffic at the moment. There’s a lot of nonsense to deal with. Be careful going into these areas unless you want to get shot.
Here are the rest of the Tarana Shrine challenges you need to complete:
- Find Tarana
- Collect Artifacts for Tarana
- Find the Thief and speak with them
- Play the Last Log
- Collect a Cult Talisman from a Guardian
- Where to get a Cult Artifact at the Shrine
- Don the disguise and strike three Resonant Crystals at the Spire