
How to get Transient Resin in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact 1.5 details new items and characters

Transient Resin in Genshin Impact is one of many different crafting and Ascension materials in the game. Developer MiHoYo has been adding tons of new content to the game over the last few months. Recent events give gamers more characters to explore with, as well as unique bosses to fight. There are a great many things you can collect in Genshin Impact. As the game improves and changes, more stuff gets added too. And with Transient Resin in Genshin Impact, you need lots of it.

This item was added during the Genshin Impact 1.5 beta as a limited-time means of getting Original Resin. Original Resin is a pretty important crafting item, so having a new source of it is pretty helpful. There are a few things to remember about Transient Resin in Genshin Impact.

For one thing, it will disappear from your inventory after a short time. You need to convert it, or you risk losing it. Transient Resin has a seven-day timer on it when dropped. if you don’t convert it after 7 days, it goes away and you need to find more of it. The period is counted a bit weirdly, as it starts counting down on the Monday following the day you get the Resin. So if you get it on Friday, you have seven days to convert it from the upcoming Monday.

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You will need to trade one Transient Resin to create 60 Original Resin.

You can buy up to one a week, so it’s a limited-use item, even though it’s very powerful. Transient Resin is only purchasable from the Homeworld shop, once you have reached Homeworld Rank 6. The item costs 1200 Realm Currency.

Realm Currency is another feature being added in Genshin Impact 1.5. The new feature will be tied into a new map area that has new quests and bosses to overcome. The goal is to add something new for veteran players to take on. it’s unconfirmed, but it’s likely that you need to complete these tasks and gather rare drops to increase your Homeworld Rank.

Other information found out about Genshin Impact 1.5 has revealed a new story surrounding the title character Eula. Check out some info found via leakers below.

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