
How to get the new villagers in Animal Crossing New Horizons 2.0.0

All new villagers in the Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2.0.0 Update

Animal Crossing: New Horizons‘ 2.0 update has dropped a full 2 days early, as Nintendo let Christmas come early. There are a ton of new features being added in this update. The Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2.0.0 update is finally here. There are so many new things to do. There are a whole bunch of new cooking recipes to tinker with as well.

The update also brings 16 new villagers for players to try and recruit for some island-based fun. You can get up to 10 villagers, so you can recruit a bunch of them if you wish. Most players will pick and choose what they want, so feel free to make your choices.

Here are all the 16 new Villagers.

  • Ace the bird
  • Azalea the rhino
  • Cephalobot the robot octopus
  • Chabwick the penguin
  • Faith the koala
  • Frett the dog
  • Ione the squirrel
  • Marlo the hamster
  • Petri the mouse
  • Quinn the eagle
  • Rio the ostrich
  • Roswell the alligator
  • Sasha the rabbit
  • Shino the deer
  • Tiangsheng the monkey
  • Zoe the anteater

When you know which ones you want, you need to know where to find them. Here are the current methods you can use to get villagers, including the 16 new ones.

The campsite is the best way to get new villagers. Every day, a new villager will have a chance to spawn there. You need to have them come back three times, completing a task for them each time. The tasks will involve crafting them a desired item, and often playing a game with them. Once you finish the three days, the villager will move to your island.

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This is where things like Amiibo cards and other amiibo methods become vital. By using the invitation feature in the Nook Stop, you can scan an NFC tag to invite a villager to your island. By combining this with the time travel trick, you can very quickly get a villager on your island.

There are a few other methods as well.

  • Visit mystery islands – Mystery islands have a very small chance to spawn villagers. With more than 400 options, you have a very small chance to get the villlager you want, but it is an option.
  • Get it from another gamer – You can also trade with friends if they have a villager you want. Ask them to get the villager into the moveout state, and then speak to the villager and invite them over.
  • Amiibo cards – if you purchase a pack of Amiibo cards, you might just get lucky and get the villager that you want. You want the new Series 5 cards if you can get them. They will be pretty soughtafter, so be prepared for scalpers online.
  • Rips – You can also use something like a Powersaves Amiibo and some bin files to rip your own copies of a desired amiibo. This is technically piracy though, so be careful and do so at your own risk.

So now you know how to get the 16 new villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons 2.0.0.

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