With the advent of the Halloween event this month, players are flocking back to Guild Wars 2. Now, let’s help some of these new folks out. With all the complexity of the crafting system in this MMO, there’s a lot to learn. One of the biggest problems for new players who like to farm their own materials is knowing where to look. Enemies abound in Ascalon and beyond. The enemies in the game drop all kinds of loot. There are many different recipes and professions to maser, but the trick is knowing where to get materials.
One of the core items you need in many professions are items like Pile of Glittering Dust. But, there’s actually many more Dust items to gather. You don’t even need any gathering tools for this, you just need to be able to fight. There are six tiers of Dust as a crafting material in GW2. So they start with the Tier 1 Pile of Glittering Dust, and move up from there. Here’s each kind of dust, and where you can go find it.
- Pile of Glittering Dust – Pile of Glittering Dust is a basic Tier 1 material used for many different crafting professions.
- Pile of Shimmering Dust – Pile of Shimmering Dust is a basic Tier 2 material used for many different crafting professions.
- Pile of Radiant Dust – Pile of Radiant Dust is a basic Tier 3 material used for many different crafting professions.
- Pile of Luminous Dust – Pile of Luminous Dust is a basic Tier 4 material used for many different crafting professions.
- Pile of Incandescent Dust – Pile of Incandescent Dust is a basic Tier 5 material used for many different crafting professions.
- Pile of Crystalline Dust – Pile of Crystalline descent Dust is a basic Tier 6 material used for many different crafting professions.
Where to go to farm Pile of Glittering Dust and more
One of the best ways to farm each type of enemy is to know where their Heart events are. You can find Heart Events all over the game, but for farming the different tiers of Dust materials in GW2, you need to primarily focus on Ghosts and Branded enemies. Keep reading below for tips on where to find these enemy types.
Ancient Ghosts
They come in the following forms:
- Ancient Ghost Enchanter
- Ancient Ghost Healer
- Ancient Ghost Mage
- Ancient Ghost Monk
- Ancient Ghost Ranger
These are some of the tougher ghosts in the game, all level 80, and can be found and farmed pretty reliably. They are part of Icebrood Saga, so you need to buy that content with Gems to get access to it. The Ancient varieties can be found in Grothmar Valley, the first zone in the Prologue: Bound by Blood episode. The Doomlore ruins is a good place to look. Stick around and farm enemies in this region to get tons of dust. And yes, you can repeat it as much as you like.
Ascalonion Ghosts
They come in the following forms:
- Ascalonion Peasant
- Ascalonion Healer
- Ascalonion Mage
- Ascalonion Fighter
- Ascalonion Archer
- Ascalonion Siege Engineer
- Ascalonion Captain
These ghastly enemies can be found all over the map in various low-level regions. Low-level players can find them in the Plains of Ashford and Diessa Plateau, where they can drop a steady supply of the first four tiers of Dust. The enemies level 20 and below only tend to drop the first two tiers with any regularity. But, very rarely will they drop something of Tier 3 or 4 rarity. You will need to hunt down high-level regions like the level 40 zone, Blazeridge Steppes.
Branded Enemies
- Branded Charr
- Branded Devourer
- Branded Earth Elemental
- Branded Forgotten Priest
- Branded Griffon
- Branded Minotaur
- Branded Ogre
- Branded Spark
These high-level foes can drop the top-tier materials such as Pile of Crystalline Dust. If you need the Tier 6 or 7 materials in abundance, hunt these Branded foes down. They are level 80, so you will need to be max level and have a decent bit of Exotic gear to reliably farm them. Also, make sure not to get bogged down by too many at once. You will want to find these in the Iron Marches and Fields of Ruin. Be careful of group events in these areas, they will absolutely wreck solo players.