There are many different types of fuels you can use in the game. You will need to invent better technology and find sources of more advanced fuels in your travels through the stars. Here are the basic stats of each kind of fuel in the game. The more advanced fuel in Dyson Sphere Program has much better energy output and inherent bonuses to fuel efficiency.

Fuel Name Energy Fuel Chamber Gen.
Carbon Nanotube 84.0 kJ -80%
Graphene 96.0 kJ -70%
Plant fuel 500 kJ -30%
Diamond 900 kJ -50%
Log 1.5 MJ -10%
Organic Crystal 1.80 MJ -20%
Coal Ore 2.70 MJ 0%
Crude Oil 4.00 MJ +20%
Refined Oil 4.40 MJ +30%
Fire Ice 4.80 MJ +40%
Energetic graphite 6.30 MJ +60%
Hydrogen 8.00 MJ +100%
Deuterium 8.00 MJ +100%
Hydrogen fuel rod 40.0 MJ +200%
Deuteron fuel rod 600 MJ +300%
Antimatter fuel rod 7.50 GJ +500%