The Dual Kamas Prime is a primed variant of the Dual Kamas weapon type. These variants have higher base damage and a boosted critical chance. The Dual Kamas Prime also has a nice status chance, making it good for a fast-moving build aimed at inflicting Toxic or Cold.
If you want to use this slicing weapon, you need the right Prime Relics, that’s where our guide comes in. This particular melee setup is certainly unique, so if you want it, here’s how to get the Relics you need.
Dual Kamas Prime Relics
If you want the Dual Kamas Prime, you need the following Dual Kamas Prime Relics.
- Blueprint – Common – Lith K4
- Blade – Rare – Meso D5
- Handle – Uncommon – Neo N12
Dual Kamas Prime Relic Farming Locations
You can earn various Relic types by doing different activities. Relic drops are somewhat random, with different maps and tilesets on the Star Chart having their own associated drop chances. You will need to farm a few different parts, four in total. For the Dual Kamas Prime Relics in Warframe, you will want to head to these nodes on the Star Chart:
- Lith – Hepit in the Void. This Void Capture mission always drops Lith Relics, with Lith C4 now being in the potential options. New players also have a better chance to get the Lith C4 from Olympus on Mars. You will have to deal with the more challenging Disruption mission-type, but it’s opened much sooner in the Star Chart compared to T1 Void.
- Meso – Io on Jupiter. A Defense mission, With the Meso Relics being a good option after 10 waves. Complete 10 waves per mission and bounce, do it again to get as many Relics as you want. You can also go for Ukko the T3 Void Capture mission if you can farm it quickly. The latter of these two has less of a drop chance for Meso Relics, but fast runs make up for that.
- Neo – Xini on Eris. The A rotation of this mission drops a guaranteed Neo Relic, being an Interception mission, you’re going to do best in pairs or squads here. You can also do Ukko the T3 Void Capture here as well, as it has the same drop chance as Meso.
- Axi – Xini on Eris. The B and C rotations on this Interception will drop an Axi Relic. This area allows you to farm Neo and Axi relics at the same time. Apollo on Lua is an option as well, defending all four nodes in a map guarantees and Axi drop. An Axi every five minutes is possible with a good squad.
You can also get these Relics are part of a Relic Pack from the different Syndicates. Each Syndicate has their own set of packs and Standing requirements.
Once you have gotten the Relics, the next step begins. You have to “crack” the relics and hope you get the drop your after. If you want a full guide on cracking Void Relics, we have that handy. Be sure that you have the resources you need to build it ahead of time. There’s nothing more annoying than having to farm for both Relics and raw resources before you get to try out a new weapon.