
How to farm ballistic fiber in Fallout 76

Fallout 76 Wastelanders Update

The ballistic fiber in Fallout 76 is one of many crafting items in the game. Added in later content updates, it’s a very useful item. Its main use is high-end armor crafting and repair. Use this guide to learn some of the best places to look when hunting the stuff. It’s easy to get once you know where to find it.

Items that contain ballistic fiber in Fallout 76

  • Military Ammo Bag: Two ballistic fiber
  • Military Grade Duct Tape: Two ballistic fiber
  • Mysterious Fur: One ballistic fiber
  • Torn Mothman Wing: Two ballistic fiber
  • Power Armor Chassis:  1-5 ballistic fiber

That’s the common sources of items you can break down to get more fibers. And when you’re trying to make high-end armor, you’re going to need a lot of that. Now, let’s talk a bit about where to find this loot.

Best places to find ballistic fiber in Fallout 76

The fastest way to collect Ballistic Fiber in Fallout 76 is going to be hopping between these locations. Many of these are relatively easy to get to once you’re high-level enough.

  • Fort Defiance – Being that this is a story location, it’s not too hard to find. You will find it in the southeastern corner of the main map.  Cranberry Bog is where you need to head, as it’s right by there. Looting this area will net 10 Military Ammo Bags, which means you can get a total of 20 ballistic fiber in Fallout 76. All of them can be found on the North Wing, in multiple floors.
  • Camp McClintock – This spot is located to the southwest of the Forest region, another bundle of Military Ammo Bags can be found here as well. There are six bags in total here. There will also be 2 military grade duct tape. Three can be found in the floors of the main building. There are two drops in the nearby barracks. In the APC outside the base, you will find one bag as well. The final drops are in the shack uphill and southwest of the main building.
  • Watoga Civic Center –  This spot is located at the center of Cranberry Bog. There’s one bag spawn to be found here. Outside, past the eastern door inside the tank and next to the skeleton and footlocker.
  • Clancy Manor – This area is north of Vault 76. Upstairs on the shelf next to the tinker’s workbench, there will be three duct tape.
  • The Thorn – You will find this spot in the northwestern area of Cranberry Bog. There is one bag next to the corpse near the cooking station. The other drop of one tape, and one bag, can be found to north behind the barrier. Look next to the ammo box.
  • Monongah Power Plant – This is a location in the Savage Divide region. You will find an ammo bag inside the tiny guard house out front. There’s also a set of tape and a bag by the ammo box in the southernmost part of the room.
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Another great way to get Ballistic Fiber in Fallout 76 is to hunt down Cryptids. The Mothman can be found at the Enclave Research Facility, formerly Transmission Station 1AT-U03 in the Forest just south of Tyler County Dirt Track. Go there and take it down. Harvest some nice and useful fibers from its wings. And since you’re going to be hunting them, it helps to know where the other Cryptids in Fallout 76 are.

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