
How to complete the Wild West Challenge in BitLife

How to complete the Wild West Challenge in BitLife

The challenge this week ties into a pretty bizarre element of pop culture.  Last week, we had one themed around the iconic Superman, and this week we’re getting a bit less heroic. This time, we’re going back into the music industry to take on the titans of rap and hip-hop. Your goal is simple, to closely follow the steps of one very controversial artist. Players have to embody the legendary rapper, Kanye West, and his many steps through life.

How to complete the Wild West Challenge in BitLife

These are all of the tasks you need to complete the Wild West Challenge.

  • Be born in Chicago
  • Become a famous rapper
  • Have 9+ songs make Gold or higher in sales
  • Have children named North, South, East, and West
  • Run unsuccessfully for president

Becoming a Rap God

The Wild West Challenge in BitLife has a huge number of steps to it. Here goes. The first task has you being born in Chicago. If your character already does not meet these requirements, we recommend making a new character for the challenge. You can dump them after this if you want. Your goal is to become a popular rapper, styled after the legendary Kanye West. Your goal is simple, become incredibly famous. Becoming a famous rapper starts with the process of practicing your vocal skills. You need to take lots of Vocal lessons. Do that via the Activities tab, then choose Mind & Body. then choosing Voice. Each year you should take these lessons to get your Vocal skills up.

Finally, to become a rapper, you’ll need to head over to Occupations, go to Special Careers, and attempt to become a solo artist. From there, you can fully begin your career. You need to keep making music and churning out those hits to get this done. Go into your career menu and start making music. This will be the key to your success. Each year, just keep working on your albums, and eventually, you will get the success you’re after.

Building a Legacy

You need to put some time into this part. This is where the bulk of the grind for this challenge comes from. You have three primary tasks you want to work on, all at the same time. We highly recommend being married as it makes the process of having and taking care of children much easier. Doing that while you’re working on your education and your rap game will help a ton with getting this done quickly.

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You need to get ready with making kids. You need to have four kids in all. To do this, go into your Relationships tab and click on the Make Love option inside the menu. You will have a random chance to get pregnant. While you wait for each kid to be born, make sure to keep making music to try and get those sales. While you work, you should be able to get enough songs released that do well enough. Each time you have a kid, you are given the option to rename them. Name one each North, South, East, and West, respectively. Now that that’s done, let’s remind you of the final step.

Getting into the Political Game

The last challenge is to run for President unsuccessfully. This is probably the most time-intensive part of the whole ordeal. You first need to get a Law Degree. Go to University via the Education option, and choose to pursue a degree in Political Science, English, or History. Once you’ve completed the basic education, you can move onto Law School. Complete that next phase to get your hands on the qualifications you need to run for office.

Once you have your degree from Law School, apply for the School Board of Directors or any of the other available positions within a governmental body. You will find the relevant election positions within the Occupation menu, under Special Careers, then Political Offices.

You may notice that the options include the President, but don’t rush into it. You need to have held a lower political office to be able to get on the ballot. Use all those millions you made from selling albums to get into lower offices. Once you have gotten into lower office, run for the next step up when your term expires. You will likely get unlucky and have to run a few times when competing for higher offices. Eventually, after having held offices, you can then run for President. As long as you get on the ballot you should be able to complete the Wild West Challenge in BitLife.

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