The Mailbox in Borderlands 3 might not seem like much, but it’s very important. Gearbox Software has included a lot of new features into their latest AAA shooter, and one of them revolves around this new social element. You can use these social systems to communicate with friends, of course, but there’s another positive. You can also get free gear and weapons direct from Gearbox. These are often handed out as part of in-game events and other special promotions.
You can get unique weapons and grenades, and so much more, just for checking the mail. Although that might sound really dangerous in the real world, it’s much more sane on Pandora. Here’s what you need to do when you want to check your mail in Borderlands 3.
How To Check Your Mailbox in Borderlands 3
To check your mail in Borderlands 3, head to the Social tab, you can find that in the menu after pausing the game or going back to the main menu. Pressing Esc on the PC version can get you back there.
You will often get sent gear kits as part of progress through the story. So when you complete a quest for a company or individual, something from Atlas or another megacorp may end up in your endbox. So keep checking back after every quest. If you haven’t checked in a while, expect to find a lot of junk in there. Mail comes in all of the time, so it’s a pretty constant battle, thankfully there’s no spam.
Good news is that when you have gear you don’t need, you can dump them off at a vendor. This can make you a bit more cash for that gear that you’re definitely not going to use.
One thing to keep in mind that you’re going to need to have inventory to take something out of the mail. If you try to take something out and don’t have the space, you won’t be able to.