
How to change difficulty in Space Punks?

Space Punks

Space Punks is a new adventure that just landed on the Epic Store. The new sci-fi ARPG from Flying Wild Hog and Jagex Partners has quite the weird theme to it. But it’s tons of fun. Your goal is to survive hazardous space missions with varying objectives. Sometimes you will also encounter various Troubles, or additional objectives. For each challenge you overcome, you can earn loot and new gear that will make future missions easier. As a result, there are many different levels of difficulty in Space Punks.

How to change the difficulty in Space Punks

Because not everyone wants the same punishing gameplay experience, there are a bunch of different options out there to choose from.

You will select missions from the Relay, this is also where you change the difficulty.

To change the difficulty on a selected mission, press RT, or ] to scroll increase difficulty, and LT, or [ to decrease it. This will apply for the mission selected and can be changed after each run. There are many different levels to choose from. Check down below for a quick rundown of what modifiers to expect at each level.

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Space Punks Difficulties Explained

  • Easy
    • Enemies’ HP and Damage -20 percent modifier
    • Player’s XP and Loot Rate -10 percent modifier
    • One mission reward
  • Normal
    • Enemies’ HP and Damage 0 percent modifier
    • Player’s XP and Loot Rate 0 percent modifier
    • Two mission rewards
  • Hard
    • Enemies’ HP +10 percent modifier
    • Enemies Damage +50 percent modifier
    • Player’s XP and Loot Rate +10 percent modifier
    • Three mission rewards
  • Hardcore
    • Enemies’ HP +20 percent modifier
    • Enemies Damage +100 percent modifier
    • Player’s XP and Loot Rate +25 percent modifier
    • Four mission rewards
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