
How to Buy a Lamborghini in BitLife

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There are a ton of different achievements you can earn in BitLife. And with a new challenge, we’ve got some new goals to achieve.  The Fast and Furious Challenge in BitLife brings the classic car-based action films to life in a new way, as you have to live out that bad boy lifestyle in the mobile sim. This challenge is all about fancy cars, and you can collect quite the garage in this game. One of the more recognizable brands of luxury cars is also in the game.

How to Buy a Lamborghini in BitLife

It’s important to note that the challenge this week is about stealing one of these, not buying it. Buying one, assuming you can afford it, won’t satisfy the challenge. You will have to have the cash and buy it outright, this can get pretty expensive. To buy a Lamborghini in BitLife, players will need a few million in the bank. Getting the cash you need is up to you. Any high-paying job is a good starting point. Save for a few years and you should be able to get one.

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The trouble with this process is the RNG element. You will need to press the Go Shopping button in the Assets tab and then choose one of the three auto retailers from the list. The list of available cars are always random, and getting expensive cars to spawn is a bit of an annoyance. You will want to spend time aging up if none of the lists has the right car. This does give you the chance to save up money from your job, but it’s not too hard to get a Lamborghini in BitLife. So just go shopping until you find the car you want.

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