
How to become Top Dog in DogLife


DogLife is a very new game, brought to you by the same time behind BitLife. Instead of simulating the whole life of one person, and all their relationships, you’re a pet. Specifically, you get to become a dog and live out the life of a canine or a cat in the country of your choosing. Yes, despite the name, you can also be a cat.

Top Dog in DogLife is basically the new paid premium upgrade for CandyWriter’s newest game. But since this game is much more of a joke than a serious game, it seems like the limited appeal won’t hold many players interest for that long. There will be an initial surge of players, but most people will get bored of just being a dog or cat. But if you do get invested into the game, the premium membership might be for you.

Purchasing Top Dog will unlock the following features in the game.

  • All Dog Breeds
  • All Cat Breeds
  • Customize appearance and attributes
  • Edit Humans and Animals
  • Locate lost animals
  • Dark Mode
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Should you get Top Dog in DogLife?

That comes down to how tolerant you are of ads. And if you got used to being able to access more features in BitLife, this might be for you. Top Dog in DogLife opens up a few different options that might be useful. If you like seeing hidden stats on other characters, this lets you do that. You can also unlock all the breed options, so it gives the game more replayability.

This does open up more gameplay options, but is it really worthe price? It’s up to you really. If you like the developer’s games, you can choose to support them.

You can currently download DogLife for free via Google Play. If you want to purchase Top Dog in DogLife, do so via the Play Store or via in-game prompts.

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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.