
How to become an exorcist in BitLife

How to become a pilot in BitLife – Airline captain guide

There are a variety of career paths you can choose in BitLife. You could go out and become a doctor, or even a massively popular single artist who made millions of dollars. The possibilities are already vast, and they just keep getting stranger. This week, we get a new challenge that involves another new occupation you can take on. The Demon Slayer Challenge in BitLife wants players to earn a new cosmetic by doing some anime things, namely becoming an exorcist.

The process to become an exorcist in BitLife is pretty simple, actually. You don’t need to even go to college. You just need to graduate high school and turn 18 to have the job show up. And that’s actually the hard part, as it’s entirely dependent on RNG for the exorcist career to come up. Since you don’t need to graduate university, you just need to keep checking the Occupation tab for it to come up. It should be listed under Special careers when it does. It’s all about being patient for the correct career option to show up.

If the option doesn’t come up, try restarting the app to try and refresh the list. Once it does come up, just interview for it. You should get the job as long as you don’t have any criminal pasts. Given how easy it is to walk in the light in BitLife, that’s pretty easy.

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The one issue with this career is it’s very low-paying in the grand scheme of things. The game doesn’t treasure ghost hunters all that much, it seems.

Players should try and save their money if they’re trying to complete the new challenge. The need to buy a haunted house can be very expensive. Save those bucks and buy the haunted house of your nightmares when you can. Now you can wrap up the new weekly challenge.

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