
How to adopt a creature in No Man’s Sky

How to adopt a creature in No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky has done a wonderful job rebounding from its controversial launch. What was once a threadbare experience has become a true survival hit in its own right. The various updates to the game have added tons of new features to the digital galaxy. From derelict freighters and mysterious ruins, to a new batch of merchants, there’s always something to do in this game. The newest update is something much more special though, as you can live out your Pokémon fantasies in No Man’s Sky Companions.

This new patch adds the ability to breed and interact with a team of up to six unique beasts you find out in the game’s galaxy. You will be able to trek around with them, making use of their unique abilities to craft and explore. You will also find that each monster is unique and has its own interesting personality.

When you’re ready to begin, here’s how to adopt a creature in No Man’s Sky.

How to adopt a creature in No Man’s Sky

When you are adventuring around and find a creature you want, you can use the Creature Pellets you get with the new update. You can make these from 20 Carbon, or for 5 Carbon at the Nutrient Processor. There are many different types, and you will need to check the creature menu to see what Pellets a particular creature likes. Once you have some pellets that a monster likes, you can them get them to hang out with you. This will tame it, not adopt a creature in No Man’s Sky,

When you tame it, you can then bring it around with you. After you tame it, you must milk it. That will bring up a new option to bring out the creature and adopt it fully. Confirm the prompt and you can adopt a creature in No Man’s Sky. Doing this will take up a slot in your creature storage in the Register.

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To unlock a new slot to tame a creature, up to six, you need to spend another 500 Nanites. When a pet is registered, you can summon them to any planet you’re on so remember that. You don’t need to trek around with them.

No Man’s Sky is available to buy on PC, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and PlayStation 4.

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