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Hearthstone’s Grand Tournament expansion coming next month


Blizzard has revealed the next expansion in their F2P card game, Hearthstone. The new expansion is titled “Grand Tournament”. The Grand Tournament will offer over 130 new cards, most of which will have a pretty major effect on your decks. New keywords to boost card and hero stats have been revealed as well. Creating new combinations and mechanics for players to fool with.

For instance: a new keyword, Inspire, triggers an effect when you play your hero power. An example of this is the Lowly Squire card, a 1/2 that costs 1, but has an Inspire effect where he gains +1 attack every time you use your hero power.

Others have more synergy. The Maiden of the Lake makes your hero power cost 1 mana, while the Mage-specific Coldarra Drake lets you cast your hero power as many times as you like each turn. You can imagine the effect that might have. If only Hearthstone had the table-flipping of Tabletop Simulator.

It’s not all hero powers, though. Another card displayed was the Hunter card Lock and Load, which gets you a random Hunter card every time you play a spell for that turn.

Hearthstone‘s Grand Tournament will launch next month. Packs of cards can be pre-purchased for a discount (and a new card back) from next week.

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