The newest in-game seasonal event in Rocket League is ongoing right now, and you dear fans have a chance to earn great rewards by playing a great game. The game has received a full Halloween makeover with its new ‘Haunted Hallows’ event.
There are tons of spooky new rewards that you can jam on your cars, once you buy them with Candy Corn of course. The big idea here is to compete in copious amounts of online matches, and to earn as much Candy Corn as possible. The better you do in matches, the more Candy you earn.
There are two other additions in the form of rewards added with this update, a new loot box. These loot boxes contain many of the rewards you can earn with Candy Corn, and can be unlocked with Decryptors. If you want to pay your way to new skins and decals, this is the way. The other new rewards unlocks a chance to earn older rewards from previous seasons and events that aren’t currently available. These are the Golden Pumpkins. Players who collect these will be able to unlock items from Turbo, Nitro, and Player’s Choice Series 2 crates.
The Halloween event runs until November 5, and you have plenty of time to earn those sweet treats in Rocket League. Check out the trailer for the event down below. Happy Halloween, Rocket League players, and enjoy the races and explosions.