Treasure Goblins are small demons that run around the map, and you really want to find them. Though they are non-hostile, they’re very hard to take out. The goal with these is to hunt them down and kill them before they teleport away. Doing so will give you a hoard of loot, depending on the type of goblin you run into.
Goblins not in a Rift will sometimes leave a golden portal behind when they die, granting players in the game access to Greed’s Domain, a special treasure map. There are other locales as well. For example, there are more unique spawns like the Rainbow Goblin, leading to Whimsydale.
How do you find Treasure Goblins?
Treasure Goblins are found throughout Diablo III. Various types of Treasure Goblin exist, each identified by color; and each one has their own unique loot table. These special spawns show up in any map throughout your time in Diablo 3. Goblins are stationary when first spotted, and will always be found standing by an open portal. They will show up on the mini-map as a special icon, and always let out a distinctive high-pitched laugh.
They spawn in all game modes, but are more common in certain areas. Rifts and Adventure mode can have multiple spawns in them per level. There is a very small chance to encounter a Goblinfest in Nephalem Rifts.
Here are all the current types of The Treasure Goblins in Diablo 3:
- Blood Thief – A bright orange little bugger that drops Blood Shards.
- Gelatinous Sire – This unique spawn is a goblin that splits into multiple goblins. There are as many as 9 in all, and drop the same loot as any basic goblin.
- Gem Hoarder – A silvery and diamond-skinner Goblin that drops a horde of Gems when slain. Drops about two dozen mixed Imperial and Marquee gems at level 70.
- Gilded Baron – This gold-skinned speedster is pretty useful in the early game. A simple gold fountain is dropped when killed. Spews gold as it runs.
- Insufferable Miscreant – A Treasure Goblin with white skin, and glowing red legs. t is always accompanied by Vault Peons that run a distraction to keep players occupied. Crops more armor and weapons compared to a normal Goblin.
- Malevolent Tormentor – dark brown tinted Goblin, the typical item fountain. Will also drop a few items as they run. When slin, they drop a Legendary.
- Menagerist Goblin – A yellow-skinned Goblin that carries a blue bag. Drops a random pet—one which is not already account-bound—when it’s killed.
- Odious Collector – A green-colored little blighter that Drops crafting materials of every type and color, except orange crafting materials. They may also drop Legendaries at times.
- Rainbow Goblin – A bright blue Goblin that spawns a rainbow portal to Whimsydale when killed. A great source of Gems and certain materials.
I’ve had them spawn pretty regularly, sometimes multiple times in missions. Adventure Mode seems to be the most reliable method for getting them to show up.
How do you kill Treasure Goblins?
The Treasure Goblins in Diablo 3 are pretty tough. You need to watch out for the mini-map icon and their distinctive laughs, and find them quickly. You have a very short time to get to them, before they disappear into their portals. Once you find them, hit them with everything you’ve got. In other words, the only real advice is “Drop everything and focus all the damage you can on that goblin”. Burn all of your cooldowns and DPS abilities when you find them, as they have a lot of health.