4X/Other Space Sims

Gratuitous Space Battles 2 Released


The incredible Cliff Harris has released another great game. I’ve wasted hours on his other games like Democracy and GTB. And GSBII looks to be no different. Prepare to waste hours blowing up space pixels. Gratuitous Space Battles 2 continues the trend set by its predecessor, providing more massive fleet battle action in a new graphics engine and more sizes of starship – including the enormous dreadnought. It also supports customising the appearance of all hulls, in addition to their loadouts.

Lastly, the game also supports multiplayer battles and multiple monitor setups. Positech also released a self-described cheesy trailer for the game, embedded below.

The game is available for purchase on Steam and the Humble Store for $25 US.

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ISKMogul is a growing video game publication that got its start covering EVE Online, and has since expanded to cover a large number of topics and niches within the purview of gaming.