
Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds farming guide

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With all of the different items and characters in Genshin Impact, there’s a lot to worry about. One of the many items is Dandelion Seeds, and it’s very useful. So to help you find this useful crafting item we’ve laid out the best places to look for the item. These wind-based flowers need to be broken with Wind attacks before the seeds are set loose, so keep that in mind. When you find a Dandelion, hit it with a Wind attack.

You can also head around the map and start farming Ascension materials like Whopperflower nectar, along with the likes of Glaze Lily and Slime Condensate, If you’re on the hunt for some other resources like Wolfhook, we’ve got you covered. For ores, there’s Cor Lapis and Noctilucous Jade which you will need throughout the game.

If you want to know where pretty much anything else is in the game, there’s a tool for that. The community has created an online interactive map that lists all the spawn locations for all the different items, Geoculus locations, Statues of the Seven, and much more. Check it out and make sure to bookmark it for later use.

What are Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds used for?

First off, let’s talk about what Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds are used for. These items are farmed for a few different purposes. Dandelion Seeds are crafting/Ascension materials needed in Genshin Impact for a variety of characters and items. They are used for Ascension for Jean and Diona, two very useful characters. You can also use them to make Windbarrier Potions and Gushing Essential Oil, two very powerful alchemical creations.

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The Gushing Essential Oil increases all party members Anemo damage by 25% for 300 seconds. The Windbarrier Potions can be used to increased all party members Anemo RES by 25% for 300 seconds.

Where can you find Dandelion Seeds?

Dandelion Seeds can be found all over the map of the Mondstadt region. The best place to head out and find them is right outside the gate of the main city, Just look for the glowing blue flowers and pop them with Wind to get seeds.

Use the map below to find these clusters of flowers, each node marked on that map should appear in the game.

Genshin Impact Dandelion Seeds Map

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